SJC Upholds MBTA Communities Law and Attorney General’s Ability to Enforce
On January 8, the Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) released its decision in Attorney General v. Town of Milton.
NAIOP was pleased to see that the Court’s decision upheld both the Attorney General’s power to enforce M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 3A, otherwise known as the MBTA Communities Act, and the constitutionality of the Act. This decision supports NAIOP’s September Amicus Brief, filed by NAIOP member Greg Sampson of Silver Gavel Firm Sullivan & Worcester, which urged the SJC to affirm that the Attorney General may elect to enforce the MBTA Communities Law.
Read MoreADVOCACY ALERT: NAIOP Secures Office Conversation Tax Credit and Defeats Right of First Refusal; Legislature Does Not Advance Economic Development or Climate Bills; Uncertain Future for Boston Proposals
Read on for NAIOP’s legislative wrap-up on the topics relevant to the industry including;
NAIOP’s successful advocacy securing a Nation-Leading Office Conversion Tax Credit, Defeats Right of First Refusal, in Housing Bond Bill;
The status of the Permit Extension Act and other economic development priorities;
The status of the climate legislation; and
The status of Boston’s property tax and BPDA reform proposals.
Read MoreHow to Protect our Economic Growth and Fight for our Climate Future
Climate change is an economic development, public health and environmental issue that affects every resident and business in the commonwealth. Bold action must be taken, along with critical short-term strategies that effectively balance our continued economic growth with our long-term decarbonization and environmental goals. Only this approach will ensure that Massachusetts is put on a responsible, achievable path to mitigate and manage the devastating effects of climate change.
Read MoreNAIOP Joins Housing Coalition to Submit Amicus Brief in Affordable Housing Case
In September, NAIOP joined a coalition of housing advocates, municipalities, state agencies and real estate groups in signing onto an amicus brief in the case of Terrence Marengi Jr. & others v. 6 Forest Road LLC & Others. The brief urged the Supreme Judicial Court to uphold the bond requirements set by the lower court under new provisions of the state Zoning Act, Chapter 40A, enacted in 2021. NAIOP supports the lower court’s position that the bond requirements created for zoning appeals under the new law should apply to appeals made pursuant to Chapter 40B.
Read MoreFossil Fuel Bans Are Not the Solution to Our Climate Crisis
The news is dire. On an almost daily basis, new reports are issued which illustrate the need for immediate action to address a monumental threat to public health and safety, the environment and economic development: climate change. Sea level rise, increased storms and precipitation and rising temperatures will affect all residents and business owners in Massachusetts. The time to act is now.
Read MoreStatement Regarding the Recent Hate Crimes
The recent hate crimes committed in Atlanta brought a conversation to the forefront for the national media– but the reality is that the Asian American & Pacific Islander (AAPI) community has struggled to have their voice heard since before the beginning of the pandemic.
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