Posts Tagged ‘housing production’
In direct response to NAIOP’s advocacy and work convening a broad range of business and economic development groups over two legislative sessions, the final bill includes a language tripling the annual cap on the Housing Development Incentive Program from $10 million to $30 million, and a one-time $57 million allocation to clear out the almost-2,000 unit backlog of shovel ready housing projects in Gateway Cities across the Commonwealth. The bill also includes a NAIOP-supported $20 million increase in the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit, bringing the total annual allocation to $60 million.
Read MoreKennealy Cheers “Easier Path” to More Housing & Production
On March 3, NAIOP hosted a briefing on Housing Choice with EOHED Secretary Kennealy and Chris Kluchman. You can find accompanying coverage and links to resources on this event here.
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